Four Weeks In: Building Strength, Speed, and New Habits
It’s been four weeks since I began my winter fitness project, and the journey has been both challenging and rewarding. While I set out to push my physical limits in pursuit of greater clubhead speed, I’m discovering just how much this effort is reshaping my habits and mindset. Here’s a look at the process so far and what I’ve learned along the way.
Establishing a Baseline: The Starting Point
I don’t have a timeline set for the goal of reaching 190mph ball speed. The primary objective was to create habits that will allow me to continually improve, stay active, keep up with my children and keep me competitive for a long time to come. The ball speed will be a byproduct of quality work and something that is fun for me. To measure progress as I go, I needed a baseline to start. Creating a baseline is simple: determine the areas where you want to improve and measure them in the best way possible. To measure my speeds, I used Trackman. After I warmed up, I hit 5 balls with what felt like an “on-course” speed. This is what feels comfortable and under control. After that I hit 5 balls as hard as I could. There was no intention of contact or directional control with these swings. All I wanted to do was see how fast I could swing the club.
Comfortable Speed: I averaged 111.4 mph clubhead speed and 165.3 mph ball speed over five swings, simulating my typical on-course effort.
Max Speed: Swinging as hard as possible, I averaged 115.7 mph clubhead speed and 172.1 mph ball speed.
These numbers gave me a baseline to measure against as I implement my training program.
The Training Plan: Strength and Speed
The two pillars of my training are the Fit-For-Golf workout program and the Stack System for speed training. Each is designed to target different aspects of speed generation. I know that to generate more speed I need to be stronger and more explosive. Both goals are accomplished in the gym. While the strength gives me the ability to go faster, I need to do speed training to utilize it.
1. Strength Training with Fit-For-Golf
I am doing the full program on the Fit-For-Golf app which starts with Mass. This phase is 12 weeks in duration with an emphasis on putting on size and strength. In week 1 I made sure to go on the lighter side since I haven’t done any strength training in over 6 months. I got a feel for what weight I could handle with each exercise with the goal being to increase weight by 5-10% each week. While I was sore early in the program, I am now finding that the workouts are something I look forward to. I have them scheduled on my calendar and make sure that I get them in. So far, I am 11/12 on workouts (I missed one for my 10-year wedding anniversary). The ability to see the weights I did in the same workout the previous week has pushed me to increase on a weekly basis.
2. Speed Training with The Stack System
The Stack System is an AI generated speed training program. I started by taking a baseline assessment and based on those results the app recommended a speed training program. I am currently doing its full speed spectrum training program. This program has 24 sessions broken into 4 phases. It is a combination of overload and over speed training. My favorite part of the app is that the last part of each session measures your “Stack Speed” which equates to your potential clubhead speed. The challenge of trying to beat my speed from the previous session is a great motivator and monitor for progress.
Progress and Challenges
Getting into this has been fun. Since I haven’t done strength or speed training for quite a while, there have been very big jumps early. Each week I have been able to hit personal bests at the gym as well as with the Stack System and on the range. I know that I will start to plateau at some point, but the quick initial gains have been extremely encouraging. I started at 115.7mph avg max clubhead speed with 172 ball speed. In my most recent speed session I averaged 120mph avg max clubhead speed with 177 ball speed and hit my highest speed of 121mph, breaking my first big threshold of 180mph ball speed.
The biggest challenge I have faced is time and scheduling. My goal is 3 gym sessions a week, 3 stack sessions and 1 range speed session. The gym has worked because I go at 9pm on MWF. I don’t always want to go, but I know that is the only time I can get there, so I make it work and there aren’t commitments that get in the way of it. Finding time for the Stack and range sessions has been an issue. A stack session takes about 30 minutes from warmup to finish. I tried to do it early in the morning before my first lesson, but I found that I couldn’t get loose enough to get what I wanted out of it and most days I don’t have a break in lessons that are more than 30 minutes. This has resulted in only getting 2 sessions per week so far. To progress at a better rate I need to get in all 3 and I am trying to figure out where I can fit in the 3rd session.
Looking Ahead
The early results have been very positive. The work in the gym and commitment to a program have been good for me both physically and mentally. I am really enjoying the journey of trying to get better and creating the habits to allow that to occur. To work to reach my goal, the next phase of this journey will focus on refining skills and sustaining momentum. I know that I will start to see plateaus in speed gains at some point. Working through that will be tough.
As I start to reach the clubhead speeds I’ll need to hit 190mph ball speed, I’ll dive into what’s required to translate clubhead speed into ball speed and overall distance gains.
For now, I’m encouraged by the progress I’ve made and excited to keep pushing forward. As I’ve learned, it’s not just about the numbers—it’s about building habits that will last a lifetime.
Join the JourneyIf you’re inspired to start your own fitness project, check out the Fit-For-Golf app and use the code sarnoldgolf for 20% off. There’s a program for every lifestyle and fitness level, and it’s never too late to start working toward your goals.
Let’s keep getting stronger, faster, and better—together. Stay tuned for more updates!